Terra Maris 2

Maelduin's Gallery

Circle of Life

Holy Grail

The Holy Grail was not just an obsession of some medieval knights: The Holy Grail is a symbol of the deep desire for completeness, which is part of every human.
As all grail storys tell, has everyone to find his own way to the Grail and everyone will find his own kind of fulfilment with the Holy Grail.


Bryce 4 - Poser 4 - Cinema4D

The scene based on the Basilica model from 1998, all other detail objects are new and made for this image. The final image was made as a multilayer image in Picture Publisher 8 with several Bryce renderings: 1. background wall with visible light; 2. angel with blue fog and dust over the floor; 3. table with silver chalice and flowerpot; 4. chalice with red glass material; 5. mask renderings for angel, table with objects, chalice, height rendering. With this components, combinations of mask renderings and additionel lensflare and glow effects I finally composed the image.
9. 2000


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